Common Myths About Hypnosis, and how they apply to Comedy Stage Hypnosis Shows.

True or False?
#1: Only Mentally Weak People Can Be Hypnotized
FALSE. Anybody with an IQ over 70 CAN be hypnotized.
All it takes is willingness, paired with enough concentration to follow simple instructions. If you are capable of reading this article, YOU can be hypnotized.
While a traditional office setting offers virtually no distractions, a public Stage Hypnosis Show is a completely different animal.
A Comedy Hypnosis Show has the volunteers up on stage, with friends looking on from the audience. As with any group dynamic, there are lots of potential distractions.
The “best of the best” volunteers for a Stage Hypnosis Show have the following qualities:
- MOTIVATED to participate, and
- EXTROVERTED personality.
The first two on the list are generally accepted qualities of high intelligence!
#2: Hypnotized People Are Helpless
FALSE. Hypnotized people are NOT mindless automations subject to the bidding of the hypnotist.
It’s extremely difficult to get a hypnotized person to do anything against their moral principles.
Example: I’ve had deeply hypnotized volunteers “sit out” a routine that involves dancing. Some people just don’t want to have anything to do with dancing, ever!
That being said, stage hypnosis volunteers DO become less inhibited during the performance. The combination of being in the trance state, plus the thrill of being on stage, is a bit like having a few cocktails.
#3: Hypnosis is Sleep
FALSE. While a hypnotized subject may have their eyes closed for an extended period of time, they are NOT sleeping.
Hypnotized persons ARE aware of their surroundings. Despite appearances, they actually have a HEIGHTENED sense of focus. It’s like comparing a laser beam (hypnosis) to a light bulb (wakeful alertness).
#4: A Hypnotist Can Cure You in One Session
MAYBE. This DOES happen.
Example: People often tell me they were able to stop smoking as a result of a single hypnosis session. Good for them!
Most behavioral change is going to require more dedication and persistence to produce lasting results. When working with a Consulting Hypnotist, be prepared to commit to an average of 3-5 sessions for most types of problems.
Video Online Hypnosis Sessions
Work with Professional Hypnotist Erick Känd
#5: Hypnotists Are Flamboyant or Weird
This is actually TRUE! (just kidding).
#6: Hypnosis Can Retrieve Lost Memories
TRUE. It IS possible to use hypnosis to recover memories, but there is no guarantee of success.
Permanent memory is the realm of the subconscious mind.
The whole point of Hypnosis is to access the RESOURCES of the subconscious mind. Hypnosis techniques are the best, if not the only way to recover lost memories!
However, memories are extremely FRAGILE, and not necessarily a representation of the “truth.” Memories are strongly influenced by your age and emotional state at the time of the experience.
If a memory is not readily available, there may be a reason the subconscious mind is hiding it from conscious awareness.
#7: You Can’t Lie Under Hypnosis
FALSE. You can “lie like a rug,” when hypnotized!
I don’t know why people think hypnosis can be used as a “truth serum.” This is one of those myths about hypnosis that has no factual basis.
The enhanced creative imagination of a hypnotized person can lead them to say some outlandish things!
Example: The “World’s Biggest Liar” Stage Hypnosis routine is set up as follows, “Imagine that you are the World’s Greatest Liar. When I ask you anything, you’ll answer me back with the biggest lie your imagination can create.”
Example #2: The hypnotized volunteer in the VIDEO below is quite randomly hallucinating that she’s at a rock concert. Nothing was done prior to set up her “story.”
#8: You’ve Never Been Hypnotized
FALSE. If you’ve ever been married, you’ve been hypnotized!
Seriously, keeping in mind that there are different depths of hypnosis, we all enter hypnotic trance states on a daily basis.
Examples of Daily Trance States
- Daydreams,
- Focused attention when watching an engaging TV program.
- EMOTIONAL engagement, such as having sweaty palms while watching an intense action scene in a movie.
- Brain wave cycles of deep meditation are equivalent to the theta trance state.
- Hypnosis is part of your sleep cycle. You MUST enter the trance state in order to fall asleep, and you pass through the trance state in order to wake up.
Questions about Hypnosis? Post them in the comments below!
Next Article: Hypnotic Phenomena in Stage Hypnosis Shows
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Work with Professional Hypnotist Erick Känd
Hi. Thanks for this informative site. I’m working on a fictional story, and I do have a question for you. Do hypnosis stage shows ever involve the hypnotist and just a single person on stage, or does the hypnotist always bring up a group? If the latter, why? Thanks.
A hypnosis show typically involves a group of around 12-20 self-selecting volunteers invited to the stage. There is an element of “safety in numbers” providing comfort for the volunteer participants. Meanwhile the hypnotist is constantly evaluating and filtering for people that prove themselves to be both:
1) Comfortable going into trance in the performance setting, and
2) Are fun to watch in terms of an entertaining personality.
If it turns out an individual volunteer does not sufficiently meet the above criteria, or is not able to keep up with the instructions on stage, they are politely asked to return to the audience to enjoy the rest of the show.
Can you be hypnotized into forgetting people?
Check this out: Hypnosis to Forget Someone
Can someone be hypnotized into not remembering things or people from the past.
Check this out: Can Hypnosis Erase a Memory?
I wanna ask very frankly, and I request you to be true. 1. Is hypnosis real? Like we saw in movies and all. 2. Can person like me or any other typical person hypnotize someone else?
Hypnosis is NOT AT ALL like it’s portrayed in movies and cartoons. Anyone with average intelligence can learn to be a competent hypnotist. You have to be willing to train, practice, and put in the time to become highly proficient.
To better understand what Hypnosis really is, I suggest this article:
What is Hynosis?
Stupid question, but here goes. If you were to hypnotize someone to stop smoking, and then you “wake them up,” would they remember being a smoker?
Hypnosis is NOT sleep, so “wake them up” is an incorrect perspective. SLEEP is a state of unconsciousness, and HYPNOSIS is a state of highly focused attention.
A client who successfully uses hypnosis to stop smoking remembers everything about their personal history. However, they no longer have the desire to smoke. This is the outcome they wanted going into the session, which is to “become a nonsmoker.”
Hypnosis to Quit Smoking
Can somebody utilize hypnosis to describe a place he or she has never seen correctly? For example, could a hypnotized stranger describe my bedroom?
Doubtful. You didn’t provide a context for your thinking, so I’m not sure why you would believe hypnosis could convey special powers? Perhaps from a movie or cartoon?
Can hypnosis cure obsessive compulsive disorder or bipolar disorder or schizophrenia?
Those are all medical conditions, so that would be beyond the scope of my practice. However, hypnosis has been found to be a useful tool for calming the anxiety of obsessive thoughts.
Do subjects under hypnosis ever ask questions? Are they able to?
Most of my client sessions are actually highly interactive and conversational. Click here for more information on personal and online hypnosis sessions:
That was good, thanks. I want to know if the person has to know they are being hypnotized, and do they have to be willing? Can I learn how to do it to my girlfriend? She needs guidance away from alcohol and the bars. Is it hard to learn to do it?
Hypnosis is a collaborative relationship, so that implies both willingness and motivation. Hypnosis for drinking is a specialized level of expertise that is best left to a professional.
I was surprised when you explained that hypnosis leads to a heightened sense of focus and isn’t at all like being asleep. I’ve been thinking about trying hypnosis treatment to help me get rid of some of the negative thinking patterns that are worsening my depression. Thanks for sharing this article and giving me a better idea of what to expect from the hypnosis process.
My cousin believes that he needs to deal with the fact that he has forgotten things that seem important to his formative years. Thanks for saying that hypnosis can actually help him access and regain the lost memories that he knows he should remember. I think that if a professional will assist him with this, he may be able to get his childhood memories back.
To clarify, the most PRACTICAL application of memory retrieval is Forensic Hypnosis. This is used by law enforcement to help victims recover details of a specific crime scene. Also, hypnosis is commonly used to help recover a lost or misplaced item of significant value.
“Getting memories back” in itself is not a practical application just because a person thinks they “should” remember their childhood. Memories are fragile, and NOT necessarily accurate representations of the “truth.” Even the act of accessing a memory causes it to change at a neurological level!
Searching for “answers” and “closure” just energizes a fixation on the past. A Consulting Hypnotist can help with present day problems as well as the release of grievances and anger (aka putting the past behind you where it belongs).
You cannot change something that’s already happened, and it’s NOT necessary to “face the past.” Inner peace and healing comes from RELEASING the past, and putting energy and resources into the present moment.
Very well said. Just reading your response gave me a flash of excitement and optimism. I’ve been dealing with depression for most of my life due to things that happened in my childhood. You’re absolutely correct about letting those things go and focusing on the present and the future. That’s the exact reason I hate going to a counselor or psychiatrist…they always want to dig things up and make you talk about them. No thanks. Suppressing those memories would help a hell of a lot more. I’m going to look into hypnotherapy now that I’ve read this. I appreciate your direct and honest manner. Thank you
As you’ve discovered, talking about past issues can sometimes reinforce the emotional feelings behind them! Very unpleasant.
That being said, there are great “content free” Hypnosis techniques that help resolve lingering emotions from the past. It is important to RELEASE those emotions, NOT “suppress” them. However, it’s not necessary to “re-live” the experiences by talking about them. Hopefully that makes sense?
Here’s an article that may be helpful:
How to Find a Hypnotist Near Me?
Great article! Nitpicking, driving is the one I remember most compared with hypnosis.
It would have been great if you further write on this topic and include points like misconceptions of people, it’s dangers, the difference between clinical & stage hypnosis.
I have wanted to experience stage hypnosis for quite sometime just to understand it better. I am very willing and have a very vivid imagination and love to daydream etc. but I have never seen to been able to go deep enough to experience a “convincer”. I have been to many hypnotists and hypnotherapists over the years and have had no real experience other than being relaxed. I have been tapped to leave the stage when trying to participate in a stage show. I feel that I should be a good subject but seem to be missing out on all the fun. I have practiced self-hypnosis a lot and use it for various improvements in my life. (one of them is being a better hypnotic subject) Is It just me or have I not found the right hypnotist.
You haven’t found the right hypnotist. Here’s an example of a one-on-one hypnosis session with hypnotic convincers:
Hypnotic Techniques in Action
Over the past 45 years, I have unsuccessfully tried to be hypnotized more times than I have fingers and toes. According to this article, I should had been a very easy subject.
I wonder: Can you use hypnosis to memorize details you are studying for, and get 100% on an exam?
What about Pain? if ISIS captured you and tortured you, can you hypnotize yourself out of the pain?
I’ve been so called Hypnotized a few times to quit smoking, yet I keep smoking. Why is this not working ?
Some suggestions:
1) Consider working with a different hypnotist that gives you more confidence in the process.
2) Consider addressing whatever emotional triggers you have for smoking. Stress, anger, anxiety, depression, etc. This can also be done with hypnosis.
3) Don’t passively expect the hypnosis to do all the work. While sessions will help you to be more mindful of your smoking habits, you need to make a strong conscious effort until you’ve developed the “habit” of being a nonsmoker. You choose the level of motivation your bringing to the process, so make it your TOP priority until it gets handled.
4) Consider listening to a Stop Smoking Hypnosis audio program to reinforce your sessions.
5) If cravings are a big issue for you, consider learning about Meridian Tapping (EFT). It’s a great technique for stopping the cravings in their tracks, and it can also be used to address the emotional triggers that lead you to smoke.
Like it says you have to be willing. Consciously you are, but subconsciously no.
Where can I learn in detail about Hypnosis? What is the valid source to learn it? Would you recommend any book?
If you’re truly serious, then make an effort to attend a live training. I can’t really recommend any of “free” resources you’ll find searching around on the internet.
Related Post: I Want to Learn How to Do Hypnosis!
As for books, I like Dave Elman’s Hypnotherapy.
Recently, I’ve seen an Indian movie named “7aum Arivu” in which villain is an expert in Hypnotic gaze. He just sees into eyes of people for 2-3 seconds, and makes them attack hero. Is this really possible?
Nope. Hypnosis is nothing like it’s portrayed in movies, comic books, and cartoons.
You say it’s not possible. Well, how would you know. The impossible is only impossible till someone does it.
Exactly. By the logic of “The impossible is only impossible till someone does it,” he knows it’s impossible because no one has done it. His statement is true until someone/thing cam prove it wrong.
Good and elaborate description on Hypnotherapy. Keep posting this kind of blogs. Your stuff is very informative and helpful. Hypnosis is a great method for therapies.
My daughter believes that her father sexually molested her. She wants to recall what happened in its entirety instead of fragments. She has nightmares about it, and suffers from PTSD, anxiety and depression. Can hypnosis give the answers that we are both searching for?
This type of situation has been discussed at length in the discussion comments for this article: Find a Hypnotist Near Me
I think I hypnotised myself by seeing a certain image many times (I work with hand-drawn animation). Now I cant seem to get the image out of my head. Initially I was freaking out that the image would stay in my thoughts forever, but lately I stopped reacting to it that negatively. I did notice that when I’m more stressed out the image bothers me more. I wonder if this is considered an intrusive thought, or is it something like a self-hypnosis?
Are you aware of any double blind studies or actual scientific investigations done using MRI to see what happens in the brain of someone under hypnosis? I am looking for something more than anecdotal evidence which could be a placebo effect. Is there anything out there that actually takes a look at the neurology of hypnosis and attempts to subject it to the scientific method?
A PET scan has been used to document changes to the brain during hypnosis: Is Hypnosis Real?
Dr David Spiegel (the younger) is the researcher doing this exact work. Here is a recent interview and demo on the Huberman Lab Podcast.
Great article Erick,
I love when people come up on stage and and say, “you can’t hypnotize me, no-one’s been able to” then become the star of the show and wonder what happened 75 minutes later.
Keep up the good work!
Comedy Hypnotist JimmyG
Can someone be hypnotized with a swinging watch or pendulum, like in the movies?
If a person wants to be hypnotized, almost anything will work when they are collaborating with a professional.
How to get hypnotized?
My 36 year old daughter has indicated to me that her father molested her when she was 8 years old.
I confronted her dad about this acquisition- he denied it ever happened. He is insistent that he did not. My daughter is not one to fabricate anything. I want to believe her dad but my gut tells me otherwise.
He is willing to be hypnotized to put this issue to rest and be vindicated. Would he tell the truth under hypnosis?
Thank you.
As indicated in the blog post above, hypnosis is not a “truth serum,” and a person could certainly lie while in the trance state.
As a woman that was molested by a close family member as a child and waited til I was older to tell…you don’t need a hypnotist. Over the years it happened by other men either in or close to the family. And was attempted once after I was grown. I have many many girls friends (best friends) and sadly maybe 2 in every 10 tell me that they have never been molested at some stage to some degree in thier life. I’m so sorry for your situation. And, just because someone is accused doesn’t 100% mean they are guilty. But, from your own admission that your daughter doesn’t lie….
believe it or not Telling Anyone that you were molested is the hardest thing in the world to have to do. Even after you are an adult and are finally telling about it happening years ago. Breaks my heart for her for all of those years she suffered that pain alone and now that she finally has she is doubted. I’m not judgeing just giving my opinion. Good luck to all of you.
Can somebody be hypnotized by looking at someone else’s eyes and they both would be at standstill forgetting their surroundings. Would that be a kind of hallucination?
What’s the context for asking the question? Is this something you’ve experienced?
I am a teen who can’t really see a hypnotist. But I always see videos of hypnosis for helping with muscle gain and eating right and being more athletic. What I’m trying to say is that I see videos that will help you towards a goal you are going for if let’s say you want to do it but you just aren’t motivated enough. I want to know if those videos are true because if they are it would help me physically and mentally as well.
If you find one you like, try it out for a week and see if you get the results you’re looking for. There’s no downside, isn’t that right?
This is a great blog on hypnotist in general as well as how it applies to stage shows.
I know a wonderful women who is a clinical hynotherapist who also has a psychology degree. I’ve had many chats with her and it is quite apparent that people don’t yet full appreciate the power and benefits that hypnosis can provide from a medical point of view. She gets the occasional smoker that wants to quit, but she also uses hypnosis therapy very effectively for chronic pain management, weight loss, insomnia, addictions, phobia, anxiety and depression. She also teaches hypnosis to pregnant women seeking a pain-free birth experience. Amazing stuff.
If a suggestion is put in under hypnosis and reinforced say 10 times, could that instruction last more or less a lifetime? Would it be more likely if it were done to a pre-teen child.
Unfortunately, the question lacks adequate detail about what you hope to accomplish. I’m not going to guess, but here’s a perspective that comes to mind…
If a parent told their very young child, “You’re stupid,” and reinforced it say 10 times over the course of their childhood, could that create a belief that lasts more a less a lifetime? Maybe.
As a parent, YOU are the Hypnotist. In this example, a very young child lacks the critical factor to filter out faulty suggestions.
can hypnosis cure smoking habbit.
Yes, behavioral change and smoking cessation are widely known and popular uses for Hypnosis.
I don’t believe is real, but I wanna try it to change my mind.
Someone I know (around 60 yrs old) was recently robbed. She was in a mall with her sister shopping, and a woman suddenly held her hand. She was taken in a car and then to the bank. While my aunt was withdrawing the money, she noticed that her sister was gone. After giving the criminal her money, cellphone, and jewelry, the robber disappeared. My aunt was able to go home, but her relatives said she arrived very pale and in a sort of shock.
This is a common MO where I come from (Hong Kong). Usually old women who are alone get victimized. Is it possible that a hypnotist could look you in the eyes and instantly get you under their commands? How can one prevent being hypnotized against their will? I thought it takes some time to concentrate and/or meditate to get hypnotized. Thanks.
It sounds as if this person was purposefully confused, misdirected, and intimidated to the point of TRAUMA.
That’s not “hypnosis.”
Why do criminals target the elderly? An inability to adequately defend themselves, paired with possible mental weakness. You can push them around, overwhelm them, and put them into a state of SHOCK without too much effort.
Terrorizing a person with limited ability to defend themselves could certainly induce a state of trauma, helplessness, and even memory loss. This is NOT “hypnosis,” which I define as being a collaborative effort.
It would likely be embarrassing to be the victim of such a crime. A traumatized person with memory loss or confusion might like to believe or assume they’ve been put into a hypnotic trance, but that’s not the case.
There are sa plant substances that are made into a powder & can pass through the skin. These substances put on a person, such as by grabbing their hand make the person in a very suggestive trance state, like what is mythed as a zombie. The person is obedient but later doesn’t remember everything that happened or why.
That’s interesting. The potential use of topical drugs to make a victim even more helpless. Can’t say I’m an expert, because it’s got nothing to do with HYPNOSIS. 😛
Side topic on drug victimization- “date rape” drugs. Secretly slipping drugs into other people’s drinks in order to take advantage of them sexually. I’ve met a few people who have been victimized this way.
This is almost certainly an urban legend. Every woman in Thailand believes this can happen, and yet when questioned why they think this it is always because it happened to “a friend of a friend”. Absolutely nobody has first hand experience of this, and there are never any police reports filed. Just anecdotal stories.
If you know of an actual plant or chemical compound that has these properties please let us know, because I would love to study what actually occurs, but otherwise I hate to see these kinds of rumors passed on because there are those out there who might actually believe it. When pressed, most people looking for an actual substance with this property usually bring up scopolamine (because that is what you find on the internet when you look), but the actual science would indicate that real world topical application has almost no effect, and only by breathing it in could there be any chance of a physical response, and even that is extremely unlikely.
I am trying to find out if there is actually any scientific value in hypnosis and what that neurological process might actually be, and I just hate to see hypnosis get associated to this, which in all likelihood is a myth.
Skin is actually evolved to be incredibly robust at keeping unwanted substances out. There are very few drugs that don’t need to be taken internally to be effective.
scopolamine will render the victim fully awake and comprehensive, do everything that one is requested without question. Yet leaves the victim with no knowledge of what happened. Which may be the reason that nobody has any first hand experience simply because they have no knowledge of what happened. The thing about police reports is simple. The case is investigated but the individual complied willingly so the case is disregarded.
Hi Erick,
Something similar i have heard about in south east asia. While on vacation with a friend we met this couple who were approached by this young female who just shook her hand. She became a bit light headed and followed her to the bank nearby. We thought it was a spell but it was never clear what happened that day.
What do you think erick?
I think I’m hearing about a story from someone who heard a story from someone else. The Telephone Game is fun at parties, but I’d rather not use it to perpetuate myths about hypnosis.
My worry is that I want a hypnotist to be able to make it to where I will be a workout warrior. Is this even possible? I need to have and keep the willpower to do this.
Your best bet is to consult with a local Hypnotist to discuss your goals in detail.
Here’s a resource: Find a Hypnotist Near Me
I went to a hypnotist today for smoking. I was surprised we did not have much of a discussion prior. He mostly talked. We completed session and I felt confident. As soon as I walked in my home a horrible feeling of doom came over me and stayed. If my husband spoke to me, it aggravated me to no end. Anything he said. Not normal at all. I yelled at my 12 year old for really nothing. I have been weepy since I’ve been home. I was extensively abused from 3 to 13. Sexual, physical and verbal…. of course emotionally. I started smoking soon after I escaped the abuse at 14. It became my friend. Over the years I am nearly a reflection of who I was but cigarettes was always there. What I changed was I became a closet smoker. To the outside world. Not to my family. My desire to go today was I have an auto immune disorder that is exasperated by smoking. I have 5 grandchildren I want to remain active with. I have a 12 year old that I want to see grow into a man. I want to stop seeing myself as less because I smoke. My desires are right. Please, if anyone could explain my response, message Me? Thank you
Hi Kim,
You’ve indicated that you have a substantial amount of unresolved traumas from the past that carry a lot of emotional weight. You may want to consider looking into tools like Hypnosis or Meridian Tapping to address those specifically.
Consider the FearCureCourse as a way to learn these techniques online.
Smoking is like a band-aid that temporarily stifles strong emotions, but it doesn’t solve the underlying problems. Also, it’s becoming more accepted that unresolved traumas potentially contribute to chronic illnesses and autoimmune disorders.
Great way to shatter myths about hypnosis in general. I think hypnosis can be summed up as the power of suggestion or simply a form of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
A lot of NLP techniques are derived from hypnosis (using Milton Erickson as the role model). I like to think of NLP as waking hypnosis.
I am taking classes for certification as a clinical hypnotherapist with IMDHA. Is this a good beginning to learn how to induce the hypnotic state?
Hi Eunice!
I think you are off to a great start there.
While it may not be a part of your certification course, I would definitely learn to become an expert at the Dave Elman hypnosis induction as soon as possible.
Also, here are my comments about getting “good” at hypnosis:
If someone is hypnotized and thus very suggestible, wouldn’t it make sense that while their defenses are down the hypnotist can say anything and the subject’s mind will accept it as truth, and it becomes stronger the more you say it?
I can’t accept when hypnotists say “You won’t do anything you don’t want to do while under hypnosis.” It’s not logical to me.
Hi Bethany!
There’s an implied contract between the volunteer and the hypnotist when the self-selecting volunteer chooses to go on stage.
The hypnotist has given certain assurances such as, “I will not ask you to bark like a dog or cluck like a chicken!” The opening remarks set the boundaries of what is about to take place. The volunteer would like to experience some cool hypnotic phenomena. If they didn’t, they would not have volunteered, isn’t that right?
The volunteer has a moral and ethical belief system already in place. This does not go out the window when they are in the trance state. One of the primary functions of the subconscious mind is to protect you. If it senses that you are in REAL trouble, then “the deal is off” and the person is going to most likely pop out of the trance state and walk off the stage.
If the hypnotist gives a suggestion that oversteps the boundaries of the implied contract of the opening pre-talk, or gives a suggestion that goes directly against the person’s moral compass belief system, then that suggestion is not going to “stick”.
For example, I usually have some dance skits included in a typical performance. I’ve had a couple occasions where a deeply hypnotized subject chose to “sit this one out” on those routines because they had some sort of problem with dancing!
Hi , I’m very much intrested in Hypnotism, but I have some serious doubts about it.
1. Should my eye-sight be good? I mean, can people become hypnotists even if they have sight problem?
2. Should one have to practise hypnotism exclusively to become a good hypnotist?
3. What are the studies relating to Hypnotism?
4. Can we detect people who says that they are hypnotised, but actually they aren’t?
1) It’s not necessary to have good eyesight to do hypnosis. If my eyesight was poor, I’d have to find ways to adapt.
2) Hypnosis can be practiced as a hobby. However, just as with playing a musical instrument or learning how to roller skate, the more you practice the better you’ll get.
3) I’m not into reading “studies”, so you’ll have to scout these out for yourself.
4) There are signs of hypnosis that can be detected by a skilled practitioner.
Hi I’m Elvis. I want to try hypnotherapy, but it seem as if every where I go it’s a scam or it just doesn’t work for me. Can you please help me? My life is at a stand still for a long time, and it seems that I can’t get anywhere in life.
Find a Consulting Hypnotist near you for hypnotherapy services:
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“8 Myths About Hypnosis Most People Believe” was in fact
a terrific blog post. However, if it possessed more
images it would most likely be perhaps even far better.
Cya -Ulysses
Nice to see this article. I have a myths about hypnosis page on my own website because as a clinical hypnotherapist I still get asked a lot of questions from people who are just not sure on a regular basis.