It had students rolling on the floor laughing and others in tears from laughing so hard.
- Organization: Lander University, SC
- Event: Freshman Orientation
- Attendees: 300
Hypnotist Performer Testimonial
Thank you for your mind-boggling show to entertain our students during our orientation program. We had a great turnout for your event, right at 300 students. The program was a great way for students to make their first memories of college and a perfect kickoff to an outstanding orientation program.
Our student audience was truly engaged throughout the whole show at your wonderful performance and ability to control people’s minds so effortlessly. It has been almost a month from your show and I still hear students speaking about the hypnotist performer. It had students rolling on the floor laughing and others in tears from laughing so hard.
I have even had other campus departments asking about it and asking if they would be able to come to the July show. Although our assessments have not come back yet, I am sure you’re show will be one of the favorite parts of the orientation.
Thank you again for an unforgettable show. It really was a pleasure working with you and I cannot wait to see what other tricks you have up your sleeve for the July show.
Lindsay Phipps, Assistant Director for Student Activities
Lander University, SC

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